PWM component can change PWM pin value from 0 - 255 with built in slider. Read more about PWM in Arduino device (Pulse With Modulation) HERE.

- Right click on PWM component, click PWM Setup menu item opens up PWM Setup form:

Set Initialization value - arduino startup

- set PWM pin value at arduino device startup. Check Upload to Arduino and Save in order to save changes in the device. Value can be in range from 0 - 255.

Define Input Analog pin (override manual)

- By default, you can control value with slider. Also, you can define any analog pin as an input value, and any change on the analog pin will change value status on the PWM pin.

As an example, you can connect LED diode on PWM pin, connect potentiometer on an analog pin and dim an led diode by changing potentiometer value.

Check Upload to Arduino and Save in order to save changes in the device

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