Thermostat and relays with network control
Demonstrating how to create a network monitored Arduino thermostat with ds18b20 sensor and relay board with Arduino Control Center
This is example step-by-step from first Arduino Control Center start to fully functional temperature thermostat with hysteresis, desktop and web controlled relays. You can change parameters for thermostat, change output pins for relays or input pins for sensors by deleting or adding new components and uploading new configurations over serial or network connection
In this project we have used Arduino Uno with Ethernet shield w5100, temperature sensors ds18B20 and 4-channel relay board.As an addition for easier connection sensors and relays, we have used sensor shield and screw shield, but you can connect them however you want.
Full instructions are available at Arduino Project Hub
SeeedStudio Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino
SeeedStudio Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino programmed with Arduino Control Center, no wiring, soldering, integrated sensor modules with Seeeduino Lotus Arduino UNO compatible board, desktop, and web controllable.
It includes one Arduino compatible Board and 10 additional Arduino sensors. Unlike most kits, the Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino brings you the simplest way to get familiar with the Arduino world. With Arduino Control Center you will create a visually controllable system fastest than you ever think it's possible, hosted on your home PC.
Full instructions are available at Lanmisoft blog.
Arduino Mega with ACC as monitoring and resetting mining rigs system
Working for 3 years now without problems...
The project is still on going with newer software and firmware versions. Arduino Control Center running on stable server, working without reset almost a year for now!
Arduino Control Center is mainly used for monitoring and plotting charts over the web interface, and control relays for certain purposes. Also, mail notifications about rig statuses are activated.
Watch it on YouTube.